The Fiducian Corporate governance

Corporate Governance

Fiducian Group Limited and its Board of Directors (Board) are committed to achieving and demonstrating the highest standards of corporate governance. The Board continues to review the corporate governance framework and practices to ensure that they meet the interests of shareholders.

Download our statement

Corporate Governance Statement

A copy of the Corporate Governance Statement for Fiducian Group Limited is available for download below.

The Corporate Governance Statement should be read in conjunction with other documents available on this website, including the Annual Report and other charters and policies (see below).

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Corporate Governance Documents

Fiducian Board

Role of the Board

The fundamental role of the Fiducian Group Limited’s Board is to direct management with a view to optimising the performance of the Group both in the short and long term by:

  • Overseeing and appraising the strategies, policy framework and financial performance of the Group
  • Overseeing the human resources in place to meet objectives and reviewing management performance
  • Providing strategic leadership with a framework of prudent and effective controls, which enable risk to be assessed and managed
  • Reviewing policies and procedures in place to ensure compliance with relevant legislation, regulatory obligations, licence conditions and the establishment and observance of high ethical standards so that the business is conducted in an open and honest manner and with the reference to the best interests of beneficiaries, unitholders and shareholders; and
  • Balancing competing objectives in the best interests of the Group.
Integrity, objectivity & in the spirit of the law

Code of Conduct

Fiducian Group Limited’s personnel, including all officers, employees, contractors, franchisees and associates, operate under a formal code of conduct. Fiducian believes all its personnel should act at all times with the utmost integrity, objectivity, and in compliance with the letter and spirit of the law.

The code of conduct is intended to ensure that all personnel of Fiducian are aware of their obligations under the Corporations Act 2001 and of Fiducian’s expectations in the areas of corporate and personal conduct.

Core principals and values

Commitment to the Code of Conduct

The Board, management and personnel of Fiducian are committed to implementing Fiducian’s core principles and values stated in the Code of Conduct when dealing with customers, clients, employees, regulators, creditors and the community as a whole.

Fiducian is dedicated to delivering outstanding performance for investors, customers and personnel. Fiducian aspires to continue its success while operating openly with honesty, integrity and responsibility and maintaining a strong sense of corporate social responsibility.

To maintain its corporate social responsibility Fiducian will conduct its business ethically and according to its values, encouraging community initiatives.

Our principals

Remuneration and Performance

A Remuneration Committee oversees the remuneration arrangements of Fiducian Group Limited. The broad principles that apply to the Remuneration Committee’s role are set out in the Group’s remuneration committee charter.

Remuneration and Performance
Equal opportunity employer

Workplace Gender Equality

As a proud equal opportunity employer, Fiducian doesn’t discriminate based on gender. Any person irrespective of gender, race, age, ethnicity, cultural background, marital status, sexual orientation and/or religious beliefs has the same opportunity to work and rise to seniority within the company subject to their skills, qualifications and experience for the role.

Workplace Gender Equality
One group, one diverse team

Group Diversity

Fiducian is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on gender, age, cultural background or country of origin. Fiducian is also committed to workplace diversity, and its Diversity Policy reflects that commitment.

A diverse workforce is one that offers equal opportunity to all employees, recognises and embraces the value that different people can bring to a company through their gender, age, ethnicity, cultural background, marital status, sexual orientation and/or religious beliefs.

Fiducian’s Diversity Policy encourages people of different race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin, age or disability and skills to participate and receive recognition, reward and management responsibility commensurate with their performance.

Principals of corporate governance

Audit & Risk Management

Fiducian Group Limited’s audit, risk management and compliance responsibilities are overseen by an Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee’s (ARCC).

The broad principles of corporate governance as they apply to the ARCC’s role is set out in the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee Charter

The fundamental roles of the ARCC, as defined in the Charter, are to:

  • Consider all matters relevant to the Group’s audit, risk management and compliance responsibilities and make recommendations to the Board of Directors (Board);
  • Provide assurance to the Board that appropriate policies and procedures are in place and have been implemented to assist the Group to meet its audit, risk management and compliance responsibilities;
  • Monitor and report to the Board on the Group’s level of compliance by its subsidiary companies in relation to their obligations under their Australian Financial Services (AFS) Licence;
  • Provide assurance to the Board that the statutory and financial duties of the Group are being carried out with the required care, diligence and skill; and
  • Provide assurance to the Board that incidents are being reported and actioned appropriately.
Monitoring risk

Risk Management Summary

Risk Management Framework (RMF) brings together systems, structures, processes and people that identify, manage and monitor risks within Fiducian. The RMF identifies risks associated with achieving strategic objectives and conducting business operations. In formulating RMF, the Board considers optimising risk by having regard to its business strategy, growth plans, resources and the interests of its stakeholders. The RMF includes a Risk Management Strategy, a Risk Appetite Statement, a Risk Register, a designated Risk Management Function and a Quality Control Assurance Program.

The Chief Risk Officer (CRO) conducts risk workshops with each Business Unit Head on a quarterly basis. During these workshops, the risks, risk descriptions, the risk controls, inherent risk ratings, residual risk ratings, risk tolerances and risk appetite are discussed. Amendments are made to the risk register to keep the risk register current. In addition, any emerging risks are also discussed. Risk Workshops are also conducted with the Investment Committee, the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (ARCC) and the Board.

Each Risk Owner also review risks on our risk and compliance system (TICKIT). This is where the risk owners confirm that the risk controls remain effective to mitigate the risks and that the risk ratings are appropriate.

The CRO conducts Quality Control Assurance where evidence is sighted to verify that the controls are operating effectively. The CRO monitors and reports risk activities to an independent ARCC who oversees compliance with the RMF.

Compliance of RMF is targeted towards ISO 31000 – International Risk Management Standard

The Three Lines of Defence Model is fully operational which details essential roles and duties of staff, Risk Function and Internal Audit to implement an effective RMF. A risk-aware culture is fostered and facilitated at the Board Level and cascaded down through all levels of Fiducian, supported by the embedment of the Three Lines of Defence model. There is a clear expectation that all management and employees within Fiducian are responsible for playing their respective roles in risk management effectively.

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